Vince's Void

"This website isnt done yet. Why are you here? Who told you how to get here??"

Late site update: June 1st, 2022. I recently had a dentist appointment and it sucked.

I have a button now! I plan on making a cooler one later, but this works for now. Link me to your website if ya want:

please, feel free to look around at the complete lack of content. I dont know how obvious it is but I got no clue what I'm doing lol. I dont know how to code. ----This site is gonna be in the works for a while rip----

To do: fix the links on the left to lead to an "under construction" page, make proper 'to do list' area to keep track of future updates.

Hello!! My name is Vince. I'm an 18 year old artist from Ontario, Canada.

I have a lot of interests, so I made Vince's Void to be a customizable and experimental way of sharing my work. I've also always wanted my own website, but been too intimidated by HTML and CSS til' now. I still suck at it though.

I mainly do a lot of stipple/dotwork illustrations of demon-like creatures (you can check these out on @preterthings ). And lately, I've been teaching myself how to turn my ideas into low poly 3d models inspired by the growing "haunted PS1" genre of horror games.

I also make soup sometimes and am very proud of it

and I also really like goats

my redbubble!

dragon secret of the week

"I put sweet pickles on my peanut butter sandwiches"