
What is This Place? AND WHY IS IT SO BORING??

Hi HIIII My name is VINCE and I am a 21 year old animation student who illustrates and paints animal skulls in their free time, and also codes monthly, drunk and nude on the full moon at a beach (you might've seen me!). I have super cool art portfolios but no website equally as goblin-ridden, so here I am making one by scratch. There is a very underwhelming lack of art here at the moment as I'm building all the portfolio pages, so you really should just come back in a couple months. But hey thanks for stopping by and learning that I exist and if you're interested you can see my stuff on instagram @preterthings (though let it be known- I've grown progressively frustrated at the corpalization of social media and the political AI cesspits of meta platforms. The soon to come Vince's Void portion of this website will be a shitty social media replacement. Take back the web friends).

As this is a portfolio site, I have animated/illustrated everything you see here. Please do not use or copy any gifs and illustrations. Thank you <3!